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Sponsor a Child this Winter!


P.O. Box 763
State Street
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
United States

Mary Wills
Child in winter gear and a banner asking people to sponsor a child this winter

The People Project of St. Lawrence County is looking for your help! For several years, we have been able to purchase very limited quantities of winter gear and give them to children in need throughout the County. Each mitten, boot, coat, and hat have been gratefully accepted and have kept these kids warm all winter long. The feedback we have received is that more help is needed!

That’s where you come in!

For $50, you can “adopt a child,” outfitting them with a full set of winter outerwear to keep them safe and cozy. We will purchase winter coats, boots, mittens, and hats in bulk, allowing us to keep the cost down and quality high. We will then distribute these sets to schools across the County. Do you have a particular school and/or age group in mind? That’s great! We will make sure your generous donation goes to the right place. 

Our goal is to raise $10,000 from individuals and businesses county-wide – that’s enough to give 200 kiddos the gift of winter warmth.

Can you help us reach our goal?

We can accept donations via check as well as PayPal or Venmo


Thank you!

Mary Wills

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

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